
A hamster wheel is an exercise device primarily used by hamsters and other rodents. It is also used by other cursorial animals when given the opportunity to run. Most of these devices consist of a runged or ridged wheel held on a stand by a single or pair of stub axles.

Hamster wheels allow rodents to exercise even when their space is confined. The term “hamster wheel” was first used in a 1949 newspaper advertisement.

Choice tests with Syrian hamsters have shown that they prefer larger wheels. The animals chose a wheel diameter of 35 cm over 23 cm, which itself was preferred over 17.5 cm.

Hamsters showed no preference between a relatively uniform running surface made of plastic mesh and a surface made of rungs spaced 9 mm apart. However, they did prefer the mesh compared to rungs spaced 12 mm apart, most likely because of the wider space between the rungs allowed their legs to slip through. The hamsters neither preferred nor avoided wheels that had small “speed bumps” installed along the running surface to provide environmental enrichment.

Choice tests with mice have also shown a preference for larger wheels (17.5 cm over 13 cm in diameter) and a preference for plastic mesh over rungs and over solid plastic as a running surface. More acrobatic species, such as the canyon mouse and the deer mouse, can develop preferences for wheels that force the animals to jump, such as square wheels or wheels with hurdles along the running surface.

Like other rodents, hamsters are highly motivated to run on wheels. It is not uncommon to record distances of 9 km being run in one night. Hypotheses to explain such high levels of running in wheels include a need for activity, substitute for exploration, and stereotypic behavior. However, free wild mice will run on wheels installed in the field, which speaks against the notion of stereotypic behavior induced by captivity conditions.

Alternatively, various experimental results strongly indicate that wheel-running, like play or the endorphin or endocannabinoid release associated with the ‘runner’s high’, is self-rewarding. Wheel use is highly valued by several species as shown in consumer demand studies which require an animal to work for a resource, i.e. bar-press or lift weighted doors. This makes running wheels a popular type of enrichment to the captivity conditions of rodents..

Captive animals have a tendency to continue using wheels even when they are provided with other types of enrichment. In one experiment, Syrian hamsters that were able to use tunnels to access five different cages, each containing a toy, showed no more than a 25% reduction in running-wheel use compared to hamsters housed in a single cage without toys (except for the running wheel). In another study, female Syrian hamsters housed with a nestbox, bedding, hay, paper towels, cardboard tubes, and branches used a wheel regularly and exhibited less stereotypic bar-gnawing. They also produced larger litters of young compared to females kept under the same conditions but without a wheel. Laboratory mice were prepared to perform more switch presses to enter a cage containing a running wheel compared to several meters of Habitrail tubing or a torus of Habitrail tubing.

Running in wheels can be so intense in hamsters that it may result in foot lesions, which appear as small cuts on the paw pads or toes. Such paw wounds rapidly scab over and do not prevent hamsters from continuing to run in their wheel.

Hamsters running in a wheel equipped with a generator can generate up to 500 mW electric power, enough for illuminating small LED lamps.

Voluntary wheel running is one of the most widely used indicators of activity and wake-time in research on circadian rhythms and other aspects of chronobiology. Miniature running wheels have even been used to measure the circadian locomotor activity of cockroaches. For rodents, running wheels are easier to set up and automate than other techniques of activity recording such as bar-gnawing and spring-suspended or knife-edge balanced cages.

In rodents, voluntary exercise is almost always measured by the use of wheels. This makes running wheels the tool of choice in research on the effects of exercise and voluntary activity on metabolism, obesity, and pain.

The neurotransmitter systems involved in wheel-running behavior have received considerable study. Recent evidence suggests that changes in both dopaminergic and serotonergic tone alter running-wheel activity. For example, one study in mice has shown that several antidepressant medications (all of which directly or indirectly enhance serotonergic tone) suppress running-wheel activity without suppressing general locomotion. The endocannabinoid system also contributes to wheel running in a sex-specific manner in rodents. Mice from lines that have been selectively bred for high levels of voluntary wheel running have altered responsiveness to drugs that alter dopamine and endocannabinoid signaling, and enlarged midbrains.

When it comes to animal welfare, experts recommend that wheels should be at least 20 cm (8″) for dwarf hamsters and at least 30 cm (12″) for Syrian hamsters, as smaller diameters lead to permanent spinal curvatures, especially in young animals. They also recommend a solid running surface because rungs or mesh can cause injury. Solid wheels are safer for all animals because the animal’s feet or legs cannot get trapped and injured between rungs. There are wheels in all these materials that are solid. Plastic wheels are fine for some animals. However, some rodents (e.g. gerbils or degus) will quickly chew and destroy plastic wheels but not steel versions.

It is important to note that guinea pigs cannot use exercise wheels, and attempting to use one may cause injury to a guinea pig.

A related exercise device, the hamster ball, is a hollow plastic ball into which a pet can be temporarily placed. The ball allows the pet to freely roll around on the floor to explore and exercise while preventing escape. However, recent theory suggests that hamster balls are not recommended for exercise outside of the cage. The balls prevent the rodent from using touch (whiskers) and smell to navigate the area. It also restricts airflow and can catch toes/tails in the slits meant for airflow. Another related exercise device is a running disc. This is a rotatable shallow bowl or slightly concave disc set at an angle to the horizontal. Some commercial refuges for caged rodents have a disc mounted on the roof at a slight angle. The rodents run on the rim of the disc in a similar way to running in hamster wheels..

Types of Hamsters

Hamsters are small rodents that are popular pets. They are known for their playful personalities and their ability to run for long periods of time on their wheels. Hamsters are relatively easy to care for, and they can make great companions for people of all ages.

Types of Hamsters

There are five main types of hamsters that are commonly kept as pets:

  • Syrian hamsters: Also known as golden hamsters, Syrian hamsters are the largest species of hamster. They are typically about 6 inches long and can weigh up to 6 ounces. Syrian hamsters are generally solitary animals, so they should be kept in their own cages.

  • Dwarf hamsters: There are three species of dwarf hamsters that are commonly kept as pets: Campbell’s dwarf hamster, Roborovski dwarf hamster, and Winter White dwarf hamster. Dwarf hamsters are typically about 3 to 4 inches long and can weigh up to 2 ounces. Dwarf hamsters are more social than Syrian hamsters, and they can be kept in pairs or small groups.

  • Chinese hamsters: Chinese hamsters are the smallest species of hamster. They are typically about 2 to 3 inches long and can weigh up to 1 ounce. Chinese hamsters are known for their long tails, which can be up to 2 inches long. Chinese hamsters are generally solitary animals, so they should be kept in their own cages.

Hamster Care

Hamsters are relatively easy to care for, but they do have some specific needs. Here are some tips for caring for your hamster:

  • Housing: Hamsters need a cage that is large enough for them to move around comfortably. A cage that is at least 12 inches by 12 inches by 12 inches is a good minimum size for a dwarf hamster. A Syrian hamster will need a cage that is at least 24 inches by 12 inches by 12 inches.

  • Bedding: Hamsters need bedding that is soft and absorbent. Aspen shavings are a good choice, as are paper-based pellets. Avoid using cedar shavings, as they can be harmful to hamsters.

  • Food: Hamsters are omnivores and need a diet that includes both plant and animal protein. A good hamster food will contain a variety of grains, fruits, vegetables, and protein sources. You can also supplement your hamster’s diet with fresh fruits and vegetables.

  • Water: Hamsters need access to fresh water at all times. A water bottle with a sipper tube is a good option.

  • Exercise: Hamsters are naturally active animals and need plenty of exercise to stay healthy. A hamster wheel is a great way for your hamster to get exercise. You can also provide your hamster with other toys, such as tunnels and chew toys.

  • Handling: Hamsters are delicate animals and should be handled with care. Always support your hamster’s body when you are handling it. It is also important to wash your hands before and after handling your hamster to prevent the spread of disease.


Hamsters are generally healthy animals, but they can be prone to some health problems. Here are some of the most common health problems in hamsters:

  • Dental problems: Hamsters’ teeth never stop growing, so they need to gnaw on hard surfaces to keep them from getting too long. If a hamster’s teeth are too long, they can overgrow and pierce the skin.

  • Respiratory problems: Hamsters can be susceptible to respiratory problems, such as pneumonia. If your hamster is having trouble breathing, it is important to take it to the vet immediately.

  • Skin problems: Hamsters can also develop skin problems, such as mites and ringworm. If you notice any changes in your hamster’s skin, it is important to take it to the vet.

With proper care, hamsters can live for 2 to 3 years. If you are considering getting a hamster, make sure you are prepared to provide it with the care it needs to live a long and healthy life.


Exercise is essential for hamsters, as it helps to keep them healthy and prevent boredom. In their natural habitat, hamsters are active for several hours each night, running up to several miles. In captivity, it is important to provide your hamster with opportunities to exercise regularly.

Here are some tips for providing exercise for your hamster:

  • Exercise wheel: An exercise wheel is a must-have for any hamster cage. A solid plastic or metal wheel is best, as wire wheels can cause injuries. Choose a wheel that is the right size for your hamster, with a diameter of at least 6 inches for dwarf hamsters and 12 inches for Syrian hamsters.

  • Playpen: A playpen is a great way to give your hamster a safe place to explore and exercise outside of their cage. You can fill the playpen with toys, tunnels, and other obstacles to keep your hamster entertained.

  • Free time out of the cage: Allow your hamster to have supervised free time out of their cage for at least an hour each day. This will give them a chance to run around and explore your home.

  • Climbing toys: Hamsters love to climb, so provide them with plenty of climbing toys in their cage. This will give them a workout and help to prevent boredom.

  • Interactive toys: Interactive toys, such as balls and puzzles, can provide your hamster with mental stimulation and exercise.

  • Outings: Take your hamster on outings for a change of scenery and some extra exercise. You can put them in a hamster ball or carry them in a safe container.

Here are some additional tips for keeping your hamster active:

  • Make sure your hamster’s cage is large enough. A small cage will not provide your hamster with enough space to exercise.

  • Provide your hamster with a variety of toys and obstacles. This will help to keep them entertained and engaged.

  • Make sure your hamster has access to fresh water at all times. Exercise can make hamsters dehydrated, so it is important to make sure they have plenty of fluids to drink.

Regular exercise is essential for hamsters’ physical and mental health. By providing your hamster with opportunities to exercise, you can help them to live a long and happy life.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.


When it comes to selecting a wheel for a Syrian hamster, there are a few important considerations to keep in mind. Here are some key points:

When it comes to selecting a wheel for a Syrian hamster, there are a few important considerations to keep in mind. Here are some key points: Size of the Wheel: Syrian hamsters are larger than dwarf hamster species, so they require a larger wheel. An appropriately sized wheel ensures that the hamster can run comfortably …

The Syrian hamster, also known as the golden hamster, is one of the most popular hamster species kept as pets.

  The Syrian hamster, also known as the golden hamster, is one of the most popular hamster species kept as pets. Here are some key points about Syrian hamsters: Species Name: Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) Size: Adult Syrian hamsters are larger compared to other hamster species, with a typical length of 5 to 7 inches …

Hamsters as pets

Hamsters are popular pets for many reasons. They are small, relatively easy to care for, and can be very entertaining to watch. However, before you decide to get a hamster, it is important to do your research and make sure that you are prepared to provide them with the care they need.

Here are some things to consider before getting a hamster:

  • Hamsters are nocturnal animals. This means that they are most active at night and sleep during the day. If you are not a night owl, you may want to consider getting a different type of pet.

  • Hamsters are territorial animals. They should be housed alone, except for breeding pairs.

  • Hamsters are delicate animals. They can be easily injured, so it is important to handle them with care.

  • Hamsters require a lot of attention. They need to be handled regularly and provided with plenty of exercise.

If you are prepared to provide your hamster with the care they need, they can make great pets. Here are some of the benefits of owning a hamster:

  • Hamsters are low-maintenance pets. They do not require a lot of attention or special care.

  • Hamsters are relatively clean animals. They groom themselves regularly and do not need to be bathed often.

  • Hamsters can be very entertaining to watch. They are playful and curious animals that love to explore their surroundings.

  • Hamsters can be good companions for people of all ages. They are relatively quiet and easy to care for, making them a good choice for children and seniors alike.

Here are some tips for caring for your hamster:

  • Provide your hamster with a large cage. The cage should be at least 12 inches by 12 inches by 12 inches for a dwarf hamster and at least 24 inches by 12 inches by 12 inches for a Syrian hamster.

  • Fill the cage with hamster bedding. Aspen shavings or paper-based pellets are a good choice. Avoid cedar shavings, as they can be harmful to hamsters.

  • Provide your hamster with a variety of toys and obstacles. This will help to keep them entertained and engaged.

  • Feed your hamster a healthy diet. A good hamster food will contain a variety of grains, fruits, vegetables, and protein sources. You can also supplement your hamster’s diet with fresh fruits and vegetables.

  • Clean your hamster’s cage regularly. Spot clean the cage daily and completely clean it once a week.

  • Handle your hamster regularly. This will help to tame them and make them more comfortable with being handled.

  • Take your hamster to the vet for regular checkups. This will help to ensure that they are healthy and up-to-date on their vaccinations.

With proper care, hamsters can live for 2 to 3 years. If you are thinking about getting a hamster, make sure you are prepared to provide them with the love and attention they need to live a happy and healthy life.